About Us
Our Commitment
You'll find only the highest quality fossil replicas that meet the standards of academic institutions and the most discerning tastes of natural history enthusiasts. SkullGallery constantly aims for customers’ satisfaction by delivering the best skull and fossil replicas in the industry at the most reasonable prices. Our products are housed in museums like the Museum of Geology, Los Angeles County Natural History Museum, Raymond M. Alf Museum, Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of Natural History, San Diego Museum of Man, Peabody Museum of Natural History, College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum. Because of persistently high demand, we decided six years ago to make our products accessible to everyone by offering them online.Fossil Replicas
We are an authorized retailer of Skullduggery fossil replicas. Since 1978, Skullduggery has created and distributed fossil and skull replicas of the highest quality to museums, educational institutions and natural history enthusiasts all over the world. With the use of authentic fossil material, the proprietary molding and casting process Skullduggery uses depicts the full intricate features of an original with remarkable accuracy. For this reason, a good number of our products are housed at major museums throughout the United States. Educational materials are provided for majority of the models.We also carry several models of handmade resin skulls, crafted by local artisans. These replicas are lightweight and durable. The resin allows even the most minor details to be accurately represented in the final skull replica.
Now You Can Order the Model You Want!
Original fossils should never be marketed because it creates an atmosphere for the destruction of valuable scientific data. However, educators, students and fossil lovers require these items for study or for collections. Now, with SkullGallery Fossil Replicas, professionals, students and collectors have the opportunity to bring the museum right to their classrooms or living rooms.SkullGallery is committed to delivering your fossil replicas within ten days after an order has been made.
Getting hold of the best skull and fossil replicas in the industry is just a mere click away. Order yours now!
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